Make Me A Commentator Revealed!!!
Here at Make Me A Commentator we've recently had a sit down 
interviewer with the founder and editor of Make Me a Commentator, Bryant Gries. Here it is.
Make me a Commentator : So what's your website all about, Mr. Know-It-All?
Bryant : Well, I think you have the gist of it right there. I like commenting on the news 
of the day in such a way as to make it clear that I'm smarter than pretty much everyone.
Make Me a Commentator : Oh yeah! If you're so smart, how come you're not on TV?
Bryant : Well, that's a good question, but not one I can really answer--perhaps you 
should interview some TV news program executives?
Make Me a Commentator : You sound like one of those namby-pamby, brie-eating "journalists" 
who gets his marching orders from the Democratic National Committee.
Bryant : Oh my. That's not really a question. But I get my orders from a guy downtown who 
dresses like the Hamburgler, and he's never told me what party he's affiliated with. I thought 
it was the Hamburgler, but was shocked lately to find that the Hamburgler is a cartoon 
character and doesn't exist. 
Make Me a Commentator : Ok, Bryant, lets get down to brass tacks. Are you a commie pinko?
Bryant : No, I'm just the regular kind of pinko.
Make Me a Commentator : Well, we'd like to thank you for your time. And before we let you go, 
please let me say that I oppose you and everything you stand for.
Bryant : Thanks, I get that a lot.

So there you have it. We hope this clears up any confusion